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Wyvern School


 "I feel free when I'm in the water" by Freya G   

The Hydrotherapy pool at the Wyvern School is a warm, engaging and stimulating environment. There are many benefits children and young people gain from Hydrotherapy – Physical, Social and Psychological as well as stimulating the Visual, Hearing, Tactile, Olfactory, Vestibular and Proprioceptive senses. Children and Young people are referred by their Physiotherapist, and then assessed by our visiting Hydro-therapist who devises bespoke Hydrotherapy plans, which are then delivered by specially trained Wyvern staff in weekly sessions.

Other benefits include having the opportunities to practice life and independence skills such dressing, undressing and showering, understanding the rules that keep us safe around the water, body awareness and experience of freedom of movement in the water. Also, increased lung and cardio vascular function, communication, complex thinking and choice making opportunities, relaxing and reducing anxiety, experiencing hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy and turbulence, pre/post-surgery or injury exercises, development of balance and coordination skills and bespoke sessions with aromatherapy, lights and music.

The Hydrotherapy team have created a unique Aquatic Curriculum that offers children and young people the opportunity to develop their physical and independence skills whilst working towards EHCP targets and Physiotherapy goals. The Hydrotherapy area can also be themed to tie in with other topics within the School, e.g., Primary Shakespeare.