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Wyvern School

Pupil Admissions


Pupils treat other with kindness and respect because staff model these behaviours consistently - Ofsted 2024

Local Authority Arrangements

The admission of pupils with Statements of SEN / EHCPs to special schools is a decision for the local authority (LA) who has statutory responsibility for arranging their provision. There are admissions criteria for each special school that are applied in order to determine if a particular special school would be a suitable placement. Please note that the relevant admissions criteria related to The Wyvern School can be found under, “Admissions Criteria to a Special School for Pupils with Cognition and Learning Difficulties Resulting from Profound, Severe and Complex Needs” on the KELSI website.   https://www.kelsi.org.uk/admissions/school-guidance/admissions-arrangement-requirements

Admissions arrangement requirements - KELSI

Admissions authorities are required to have an admissions arrangement document for each school they govern.


 These include;

  • Education Health Care Plan
  • The wishes of the parent
  • The nature of the child’s needs and previous educational experiences (if applicable)
  • Pupils whose learning difficulties cannot be met in a mainstream school
  • Recommendations of the referring body
  • The suitability of the Wyvern School for the pupil

Admissions are made through referral by the Kent Local Authority with the agreement of the school governors.

We will assess pupils who are referred in their existing schools before they are offered a place to ensure that we can meet their needs and that the placement is appropriate. 

Parents are given the opportunity to visit the Wyvern School before being admitted. Prospective parents are very welcome to visit the school, these must be pre-booked via the school office 01233 621468.

Sometimes a short period of induction, including a part time placement, is employed if it will be beneficial to a child’s successful transition into school.  All pupils admitted to the school will have been authorised by the case worker representing the Local Authority before admission. For further information on admissions you may either contact the school 01233 621468 or the SEN Department on 03000 41 99 94

Refusal of Admission

The governors reserve the right to refuse admission in the following cases:

  • Places are fully subscribed and admitting pupils over this number would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources
  • The school would be unable to meet the needs of the pupil
  • Admission of a pupil would compromise the Health and Safety of pupils and/or staff within the school, or would seriously compromise or disrupt the education of pupils already within the school

Our admissions policy can be accessed via the link below;

Admissions Policy Sept 24

Admissions Policy Sept 23

Admissions Policy Sept 22