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Wyvern School

School Performance & Progress

Students now study a range of suitable qualifications that prepare them for ambitious destinations - Ofsted 2024

Link to our school performance data - Gov.ukLink to The Wyvern School Development Plan

Assessment Summary

At Wyvern, an effective, evaluative and rigorous assessment process is in place to support learning, inform progress and agree on the next steps in our young people’s educational journey.

We use an online programme, Earwig, to track progress against EHCP outcomes and other academic frameworks, including reading, writing, maths, communication, SCERTs and accredited outcomes. These frameworks are bespoken to individual pathways and tailored to meet the needs of the curriculum and our young people.

What is our assessment cycle, what do we do?

  • The assessment cycle runs in line with the academic year, and we have three cycles per year. EHCP data is assessed and analysed in October/February/June
  • The academic frameworks contain milestones from 1 -11, covering pre key stage standards to KS2 level. The 6th form are assessed by accredited outcomes and progress towards EHCP outcomes which are on Earwig.
  • Class teachers collect evidence in a variety of forms to support their judgements of progress towards EHCP outcomes and small step targets and record them on Earwig.
  • Class teachers RAG (Red/Amber/Green) the academic frameworks and use these levels to inform their small step targets.
  • Targets are reviewed and agreed by all stakeholders.
  • Pupil progress meetings are held 3 times a year with all class teachers to discuss progress and any factors that may affect progress.

How do we know our target setting is effective, relevant and accurate?

  • Moderation of targets is carried out 3 times a year, to ensure consistency across the school and feedback given.
  • Moderation of Earwig evidence is discussed during Pupil progress meetings with actions for class teachers and senior leaders, enabling consistency of teacher assessment.
  • Milestone assessment informs targets to make them purposeful and relevant. Milestones were created using external assessment systems, including Portage and pre key stage standards and conversion tables created.
  • Annual review process moderated 6 times a year.
  • Guidance created for all staff for the correct completion of EHCP annual review paper work.

What have we learnt from our data?

  • 4-year trend indicates the strength across KS4 and our satellite provision, highlighting high standards of quality of education. Peer reviews allow good practice to be shared across the school.

    During the COVID19 pandemic, Wyvern remained open and, due to variable pupil attendance, many students had higher level of adult to child ratio learning, which facilitated accelerated progress in some areas.

    EHCP outcome progress remains high and comparative to schools of a similar designation.

    All curriculum pathways enable the majority of students to make expected progress, highlighting the impact of the bespoke curriculum.


How does our assessment process affect teacher workload?

  • Directed time is allocated for assessment.
  • Reduction in the amount of evidence that needs collecting for the academic frameworks.
  • Clear assessment cycle given at the beginning of the year to map out assessment points.
  • Clear guidance and support given

Progress against EHCP Outcomes for Academic Year 2023-2024 for all students


No progress

Insufficient progress

Some progress

Expected progress

More than expected

More than hoped





