Child Protection Policy Nov 2024
The Wyvern School is committed to promoting the safety and well-being of all our students and in providing our parents, carers and the students themselves, with the necessary tools, support and advice to ensure that our students are kept safe, both within the school and the community.
Safeguarding our students is the responsibility of all staff at the school. Our Designated Safeguarding Team provide regular safeguarding training to help develop staff’s confidence and skills in recognising abuse and how to report their concerns.
All staff know that safeguarding is our number one priority. They have annual training in September of each year, which includes time for all staff to read either Part One or Annex A of Keeping Children Safe in Education. There are regular reminders of key issues, and we work closely with our colleagues in our partner agencies of the police and social services. All our staff use CPOMS as our safeguarding logging system. Any agency staff working at the school have induction safeguarding training.
We work closely with parents and multi-agency services to provide additional support to both our students and their families.
We are also very fortunate to have on board two PCSO’s (Police Community Support Officers), who visit the school regularly to build positive and trusting relationships with our students. They work closely with our teaching staff and the DSL team to deliver further safeguarding education that is appropriate to our students needs and their level of understanding.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads
Our Safeguarding Officers, Jo Tompsett and Becky Lauder are always available to support parents and help signpost them to the appropriate help and advice.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Jen Lord.
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Penny Bullen
Kim Brown
Rebecca Fagg
David Sladden
Jacqueline Moore
Cathy Horn
Our Safeguarding Governor is Jasmine Stewart
Helpful websites for parents/carers and students
If something has happened online that makes you feel worried or unsafe, make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors- click on the link below.
Concerns for the safety of a young person.
Keeping our bodies private.